
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Setting SMART goals

Setting SMART goals!

Setting goals is a great way to get motivated and plan where you are going. All too often we set goals that are unattainable and leave us feeling dissapointed. It is important to start with small goals that can be achieved in a short amount of time. Short-term goals can boost self confidence and motivation, which can in turn help further progress towards reaching those long-term goals. When setting a goal make sure that it is a SMART goal. 


Specific- You must state clearly what you want to accomplish. 
Measurable- Goals must be measurable so you can determine weather or not you are progressing.
Attainable- Each goal must be realistic and attainable. Saying that you are going to loose 30 pounds in 2 months is neither realistic or attainable. 
Relevant- You must set relevant goals that will progress you forward
Time-bound- You must set a timeline for achieving your goal. This will give you direct focus. You can evaluate yourself regularly to make sure you are on the right track.
There are many types of goals that this applies to. If you are having trouble sticking to your diet, start by telling yourself that you are going to eat clean for 2 days. This is something that is very attainable and you will be able to reach this goal very quickly. Once you achieve this goal try to extend it to eating clean for 4 days. The same applies to working out. If you have a problem sticking to your work out plan, start small. You goal could be " I am going to walk for 30 minutes, two days this week." Again, once you achieve this goal you can extend it to make it a little bit more challenging.  These goals are much better than trying to tell yourself that you are going to eat healthy for a month. For most, this is unattainable and sets you up to fail. Set realistic goals that you can achieve, but that also challenge you.
There is always room for improvement. Without goals it is hard to stay focused. We all have long term goals but it is the short term goals that can help push us all to the end result we are looking for!
What goals are you setting for yourselves? What are you going to TODAY that will progress you toward your goals? 

Get it right, Get it tight!


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