
Friday, June 24, 2011

Battle the Mountain: A Bikini Body Fitness CHALLENGE!!!

Battle the Mountain: A Bikini Body Fitness Challenge

     Are you tired of the same old routine? Need something new and challenging? This workout is not for the faint at heart, it is no "walk in the park."  This is a grueling workout that will leave you breathless!!! I created it today while I was at Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park and felt absolutely amazing when I finished. I challenge all of you to get to the park and try it out! You will ROCK it! No pun intended.

You dont need any equipment for this workout, although I used my gymboss timer to time my circuits. You can use a stopwatch or even your timer on your cell phone.

Park at the main gate that will allow you easy access to the main mountain trail. You can choose to either walk or jog the trail. When you approach the second bench stop and begin the first circuit.

Do each exercise for 30 seconds before moving on to the next. You may rest for 15 seconds between exercises if you need to. The first circuit will be completed and repeated at each of the next 3 benches for a total of three times.

Jumping Squats
Tricep dips on bench

Once you have done each exercise for 30 seconds, sprint up the mountain for 30 seconds. I did my push-ups off the bench as well as the burpees because the ground was rocky and rough. If you are a warrior... go for it and do them on the ground. Remember stop at the next two benches and repeat this circuit.

Once you get to the top of the mountain enjoy the view and your hard work that got you there. There is a wide bench at the top that is perfect for the ab circuit. Again complete each exercise for 30 seconds before jogging back down the mountain to the next bench.

Side Plank (left side then right) 30 seconds hold on each side
Reverse crunch

Once reaching the first bench on the way down stop and do the following circuit

V-ups off the side of the bench
Reverse Crunch
Regular crunches with your hands straight up - reach for the trees.

There will be 2 more benches after this that you can repeat this ab circuit on.

I really enjoyed this workout. It really got my endorphins flowing.

Complete this CHALLENGE and let me know what you think! Take a picture from the top, I'd love to see it. Time yourself and each time you complete the workout try to beat your previous time :)

Get it right, Get it tight,

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Setting SMART goals

Setting SMART goals!

Setting goals is a great way to get motivated and plan where you are going. All too often we set goals that are unattainable and leave us feeling dissapointed. It is important to start with small goals that can be achieved in a short amount of time. Short-term goals can boost self confidence and motivation, which can in turn help further progress towards reaching those long-term goals. When setting a goal make sure that it is a SMART goal. 


Specific- You must state clearly what you want to accomplish. 
Measurable- Goals must be measurable so you can determine weather or not you are progressing.
Attainable- Each goal must be realistic and attainable. Saying that you are going to loose 30 pounds in 2 months is neither realistic or attainable. 
Relevant- You must set relevant goals that will progress you forward
Time-bound- You must set a timeline for achieving your goal. This will give you direct focus. You can evaluate yourself regularly to make sure you are on the right track.
There are many types of goals that this applies to. If you are having trouble sticking to your diet, start by telling yourself that you are going to eat clean for 2 days. This is something that is very attainable and you will be able to reach this goal very quickly. Once you achieve this goal try to extend it to eating clean for 4 days. The same applies to working out. If you have a problem sticking to your work out plan, start small. You goal could be " I am going to walk for 30 minutes, two days this week." Again, once you achieve this goal you can extend it to make it a little bit more challenging.  These goals are much better than trying to tell yourself that you are going to eat healthy for a month. For most, this is unattainable and sets you up to fail. Set realistic goals that you can achieve, but that also challenge you.
There is always room for improvement. Without goals it is hard to stay focused. We all have long term goals but it is the short term goals that can help push us all to the end result we are looking for!
What goals are you setting for yourselves? What are you going to TODAY that will progress you toward your goals? 

Get it right, Get it tight!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Shrimp Ceviche Stuffed Avocados

Shrimp Ceviche Stuffed Avocados

This recipe is from Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet Stripped book and it tastes fantastic. It is absolutely perfect for a hot summer day, because its so refreshing! I bought precooked shrimp and let it thaw before making this dish. Its super simple and requires just a small amount of prep.

1lb. jumbo cooked shrimp- peeled and deveined
1/2 red pepper, seeded and finely chopped
1/4 cup finely chopped red onion
1/4 cup finely chopped green onion
1/2 jalapeno pepper, seeded and finely chopped
1 tomato finely chopped
2 tbsp chopped cilantro
Juice of 1/2 orange
Juice of 2 limes
1/2tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 avocadoes


1. Removes shrimp tails and discard. Cut each shrimp into three or four pieces. In a bowl, combine shrimp with all other ingredients except avocados. Refrigerate for 15 minutes to allow flavors to combine. 
2. Cut avocados in half and remove pits. Using a large spoon, scoop avocados out of their skins. Spoon ceviche into center of each avocado half, allowing it to overflow. Serve immediately.

I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did!!

Unfortunately, due to an overtraining injury to my knee, I am no longer in competition training mode. I have been ordered by my doctor to take it easy on my knee for a few weeks. I will have to postpone my next competition until I feel that my knee is completely healed. Instead of the competition, I am following the Eat Clean Diet Stripped plan. This plan is supposed to help me shed 10 lbs in 28 days. Today was my first day on the plan and I feel great! I had a great shoulder workout today and also completed a 700m swim! I forgot how much I missed swimming because it has been so long. Since I have to stay off my knee for a little longer it looks like I will be hitting the pool to get my cardio in!

Get it right get it tight! Happy training everyone!

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Eat healthy for $7 a day!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!! I hope you all have some great things planned for this weekend. I want to address the issue of eating healthy while on a budget. All too often I hear people mention how expensive it is to eat healthy. You are WRONG! Eating healthy can be cheap and easy! If you want some more information and great recipe suggestions please follow the link! You will be surprised by how little you can spend with just a little bit of planning. Remember: Failing to plan is planning to fail!
Follow the link for info: Can I Eat Healthy on $7 a Day?

Dieting Season has begun for my next competition! I am currently following a 1500 calorie a day plan with 7 meals a day! I am happy now and I feel great. I love my banana and cottage cheese that I get every morning! I am lifting heavy weights in the gym with anywhere from 4-8 reps. I am pushing through 4 sets each. I can see the muscle growth coming on!!! My focus is hitting my arms and legs twice a week! I want to build. I am feeling a little bit bulky but enjoying the fact that I only have 20 minutes of cardio every day. All too soon that will change, but for now its smooth sailing and I am a happy girl!

Stay fit everyone!!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Keep It Tight!

Happy Thursday Everyone!!!
I wanted to post one of my favorite recipes for you guys! This tilapia is a staple in my diet. I eat it almost everyday! During my strict competition diet it is the meal I enjoy the most! I hope you like it as much as I do. I found it on Tosca Reno's Eat Clean website For those of you that know me you know how big of an advocate I am for the Eat Clean Lifestyle. If you allow it, it can change your life as it has completely changed mine! 

Tosca's Keep It Tight Tilapia
YIELD: 4 servings
COOKING TIME: 10 minutes

Satisfy your taste buds and set your metabolism on fire with this delicious recipe! Cayenne, ginger and mustard are three ingredients that help you burn fat just by eating them!
• 1/4 cup / 60 ml best-quality olive oil
• 3 cloves garlic, minced or pressed
• 1 tsp / 5 ml paprika
• 1 tsp / 5 ml ginger
• 1 tsp / 5 ml fresh ground black pepper
• 1 tsp / 5 ml dried mustard
• 1 tsp / 5 ml oregano
• 1 tsp / 5 ml chili powder
• 1 pinch cayenne pepper
• 4 tilapia filets, thawed
  1. Preheat your oven to 400ºF/ 205ºC. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a medium sized bowl combine olive oil, garlic and seasonings.
  3. Dip each filet into the seasoning and place it on the baking sheet.
  4. Pour any remaining seasoning over the filets on the sheet and place the baking sheet in the oven.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes.
Nutritional Value for One Filet:
Calories: 183.25
Calories from Fat: 78.5
Total Fat: 9 g
Saturated Fat: 1.7 g
Total Carbs: 2.6 g
Fiber: 1 g
Protein: 23 g
Sodium: 153 mg
Cholesterol: 57 mg Sugar: 0.2 g

Introducing Saturday Morning Bootcamps in May. Sessions starting at 7:30, 8:30 and 9:30. New Clients Only. $40 for 4 Saturdays or $10 per Saturday. Location: River Ridge High School!!! Let us know if you are interested and ready to get SERIOUS!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bikini Fitness Fanatics

Check out these amazing transformations! Eating clean and working out can change your body drastically. In addition to the bootcamps, I will also be doing Saturday only classes for anyone interested. Times are 7:30 and 8:30. Fee will be $10 for non-clients. Please let me know if you are interested.

I will be adding a few new recipes soon!

I will also be updating more frequently as I train and prepare for the Fitsciences show. You can follow me as I prepare for my second bikini competition.